Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Letter of Support

Jimmie W. Rogers
Rogers Realty
5000 Roberts Lake Rd, Ste B
Rohnert Park, Ca

December 10th, 2007
Re: School Closures

Board of Trustees
Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified School District
5860 Labath Avenue
Rohnert Park, Ca. 94928

Dear Rohnert Park Cotati School Board and Superintendent Vrankovich:

I support the original vision of the city of Rohnert Park. I believe that our schools should be at the nucleus of our community, and I support the efforts of those who are trying to preserve that ideal. Closing schools is not supportive to our children or our community.

I feel that closing two additional schools in our district is counteractive to the goals of both our school district and the city of Rohnert Park. Closing schools will result in a community that is fragmented and not invested in itself. Growth in our community is an inevitable reality, but closing schools discourages growth, limiting our capacity for a successful future. Overcrowded schools will lessen the sense of community that our district architecture currently fosters.

Keeping schools open will provide ample opportunities for growth and new programs in the future of the school district. It also sends the message to our community that Rohnert Park is committed to the small town feel that was part of the city’s inception. Keeping schools open shows that we believe in our future success and we are invested in a vision that will make our goals a reality. It gives us room to become the quality district and community that we are capable of being.

While I am aware of the financial concern that the district is facing, I do not believe that closing schools is the answer. Please take the time to look at proactive solutions to the short term problem before making this decision. As both La Fiesta and Gold Ridge are projected to have increased enrollment in 08/09, a delay of one year will not be an undue financial burden on the district. It would give you time to coordinate with parents and community leaders to come up with an alternative solution that can be seen by the community as a positive step toward a better future for the district.


Jimmie W. Rogers

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this Jen! And of course a big thank you to Mr. Jimmie Rogers for the support. I think that this may have been the momentum turn that we needed.