According to the University District Specific Plan (Table 6), that development is projected to generate 435 K-5 students, 221 6-8 students, and 258 High School students, for a total of 950 students. Most of those students will be generated in locations that are already within the CRPUSD school boundary. The rest are currently in the Bellvue or
According to Dr. Vrancovich, the district can only expect 0.67 students from new developments.
950 students or 0.67 students???? Which is the correct number?
To see the University Specific Plan go to,com_docman/task,cat_view/gid,138/Itemid,45/
Hi, LaFiesta parent here. I was at the meeting Tuesday night as well as the previous meeting when Barb Vader (sorry, had to say it) recommended closing the two schools. I'm wondering, has anyone considered mounting a recall petition on our Superintendent? She is a public servant, so doesn't the public have the right to demand her employment terminated? I know it sounds rash, but having 2 schools close on your watch is reason for employment termination if you ask me.
I've been talking to as many people as I can about our schools' closing and there's one common opinion amongst everyone I've spoken to: that she is almost inhumane and absolutely doesn't see a human element in all of this. (I thought it was my imagination Tuesday night as she seemed to roll her eyes a few times).
Anyway, I feel this Superintendent and the Board are failing miserably and are just rubber stamping "closed" on our kids' forheads out of convenience for themselves. As many parents pointed out, THEY are not stepping up to the challenge of their own jobs.
Another thought I've had: suggesting to her that she step down VOLUNTARILY and the Superintending go to the principals. Yes, a committee of principals. Who else knows EXACTLY what our schools need but our principals?
Anyway, I realize my ideas may sound a bit radical to some, but isn't closing down our schools about as radical as it can get for our children? Sometimes, it just takes courage, which I think most of us are full of. I just don't know who has the experience or the know-how to put any of this in motion besides just suggesting it to the Board, and frankly, I really don't think they'd listen.
Has anyone else thought like this or looked into anything like this?
Thank you.
Welcome aboard La Fiesta Parent. I like the nickname for Barb. Keep up the fight, our persistance will hopefully pay off.
I agree, I'm not happy with Barbara Vrankovich or her appearing to have no sympathy. However, I think we need to focus on positive input for the board--how we can help them keep schools open, rather than using our energy to displace her at this time. I think if we vilify her they'll just look at us as complainers and trying to focus blame, rather than helping them.
Plus, she knows she is retiring in just a couple of years. I agree with trying to stay on the positive path. I was really touched by the parents and teachers speeches from LF and GR on Tues. I am glad to see that we are working together. I hope the other schools start to see how closures will affect them as well and come aboard. Keep writing letters to the board and doing the research.
Oh my gosh people - what don't you get? Barbara has been our sup. for a brief period of time. She has been a board member and a teacher forever. She has her Phd and a degree in law. She is a smart cookie, she knows what she is doing. This problem did not take place in the last few months since Barbara took over as sup. This is an age old problem. Mike Watenpaugh has been discussing it with all of you for years! Why do you think he bailed out on us?????
I too wanted to point out that Barbara has only been our superintendent for a short time. I have a lot of respect for her considering when she took this position she was aware of the difficult choices to be made in the upcoming months. I also know she has been part of our school district for a long time and I don't feel any member of the board or Barbara wants to close schools. I think they feel it is all that can be done. With having made that point I feel this is an oppurtunity to form a partnership with the board to create a long term solution to keep our community as it was intended... family friendly. I do not think closing schools solves any of these problems long term. I do feel that if our schools continue to close our district looks unstable and in turn unappealing to potential students. If our enrollment goes down because of that what has really been accomplished? We will be right back here in a few years. We have thought of a lot creative solutions to keep schools open and to attract more students into our district and for that matter back to our district. Lets focus on positive solutions and not cast blame. I think everyone needs to realize we are on the same side...our childrens.
By all means, let's recall Ms. Vrancovich (and see if we can't come up with some more insulting names for her too). While we're at it, let's get rid of everyone who takes on a difficult job and has to make unpopular choices. I'm sure the world will be a better place if we can just find leaders who will please everyone all the time. Goodness knows, Ms. Vader is only doing this to satisfy her own Mephistophelian urges and not because the district has been steadily losing students for years. [/sarcasm off]
Serf (surf) noun: 1. a person in a condition of servitude, required to render services to his lord, commonly attached to the lord's land and transferred with it from one owner to another. 2. a slave.
Wow! It's a good thing Realist doesn't have any anger issues. I'm beginning to suspect that Realist may even be Ms. V.
With that being said: the idea of a committee of principals taking the place of the Supe has actually taken place all over the country and for the reason EXACTLY that CRPUSD see's itself in right now - TO SAVE MONEY. It appears that some of you have chosen to overlook the part that suggested she VOLUNTARILY step down so this could take place. If she really were concerned about the good of the district and the children, this certainly would be something to mull over. I know I would consider ANYTHING at this point if I were in her shoes.
Closing 2 schools in such a small community IS the harsh alternative, displacing a public servant is NOT a harsh alternative.
And really, is the name Vader really that bad? Jeez, my own kid calls me that from time to time and I just laugh........
Lets remember our purpose - alternative solutions to our short term financial crisis. Name calling and personal attacks, no matter how "minor" frankly isnt productive nor respectful. Just like we teach our children, even if you feel disrespected by others take the higher road.
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