Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Don't Give Up!

"In December 2005, a group of parents of pre-preschool age children rallied fellow residents of their Potrero Hill neighborhood to save Daniel Webster (DW) Elementary School from closure and subsequent merger with Starr King in a remote part of the community. Working in parallel with the school’s administration and population, this dedicated group of parents gathered over 600 signatures opposing the proposed merger. The parents group presented the Board of Education with compelling demographic information detailing the dramatic influx of middle class families in Potrero Hill over the past five years as well as the projected growth in housing and population in the city’s woefully underserved Southeast sector.
They reached out to every member of the Board of Education, developed a website with updated information for the community to access, and caught the attention of the city’s major media outlets (a feature on ABC News; a front page story in the SF Chronicle, as well as coverage on various local radio programs). Their hard work was rewarded in that the Board of Education unanimously voted against the merger."

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