Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Cast Your Vote

Recently the topic of discussions have obviously been about school, so I was curious to see what the actual percentages were in regards to some popular questions. The talk has not only been about which school our kids will be attending but are we going to stay in the district, or should there be another measure put on the ballot and even whether the consolidation of Gold Ridge and La Fiesta into Evergreen and Thomas Page would be easier if their school names were changed. So, check out the new polling feature and cast your vote. If you want to see anything different or would like to make changes please comment.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Where are we sending our kids?

I'm interested in finding out where the kids are going.  Do any of you have any ideas and/or have you made up your minds yet?  I think it would be interesting to find out just how many are moving out of the district and how many kids they are going to be losing because of this.  I am signing my kids up at Gravenstein Elementary in Sebastopol.  They have a terrific creative arts magnet program, spanish instruction before school, and full time band, music and artist teachers.  They're staff is more than accomodating.  The school only has 300 students currently.  If anyone is interested, the school is holding a meeting with all of the Gold Ridge parents that are interested in sending their kids there.  The date and time will be set tomorrow and I can keep you all posted on what that will be.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Finance Question?

I can't remember if the District ever said which line item the money comes from for buying the portables. Does anyone know?

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Board letter

February 1, 2008

To the Cotati-Rohnert Park Board of Education:

As a parent of a child whose school is closing, it baffles me that the CRPUSD can come off as so uncompassionate about the situation. While I know Dr. Vrankovich is in a difficult situation, I’m not convinced that excuses her behavior, or that of the Board.
To spell it out, it felt like last month’s Board meeting was a travesty—an orchestrated play with questions and responses that were produced to remind the audience that no, our efforts were not enough. I know I’m naïve about how things work, but I know enough to say that the Board AND District need to be more responsible in answering questions. If we knew more about why and how your decisions are made, then we understand how you came about them. Will we agree with all of them? No. CAN you answer all of our questions forthright? Maybe not, and it could just be said that you’re unable to answer it. BUT, if you can include us in your decision-making process more, at least we might be able to get past some of our anger in why our suggestions aren’t being considered. I don’t want to be a ranting parent. I know that all of you have spent a lot of your time on this. But as a parent in your community that you serve, I’m asking for a little more display of compassion and explanations.
For example, when Dr. Vrankovich was asked if the District was approached in passing a new measure on the ballot, she said “Not that I’m aware of.” Now, many speakers at previous meetings had brought up trying a new measure, and petitions were signed and presented to the board. Why was this discounted? How was it not enough to be acknowledged? Wade Roach’s reply to the questions regarding accepting donations was also not sufficient. If we can ask for and accept donations for field trips, why can’t we ask for donations for the schools? It’s understood that the District can’t budget on promises, and has to provide a free education, but how does it hurt to ask? How is it that other districts are able to do this? Please answer these questions for us. We’re not stupid, we’re just trying to help. Is getting direction from the Board against some policy or bylaw that we’re unaware of? If so, can’t you just say that? The Board meetings are so unsatisfying to parents, because explanations aren’t provided. Why not just diffuse some of the resentment and explain more? Please, address this at the next board meeting. A little goes a long way.
Secondly, the comment in the Voice about parents “not really” seeming concerned about where their kids are going to be placed is just ridiculous. That’s all we talk about—with other parents, the school staff, at the gym, with our Principal, at the grocery store. So, we are ALL very concerned. We’d like to follow our teachers, and move as a group to another school. Wouldn’t this be better for both our teachers and students? If the District could accommodate this within their legal limitations, it would be easier on both the teachers and the kids. Please consider this when laying out the groundwork for how things will be done. It makes a huge difference to your community when you show that you are trying to do something in the interest of our kids.
We want to attempt to pass another measure to help our schools on the June or November ballot. Please address this.

Thanks----Kelly Thomas

Friday, February 1, 2008

My Formal Letter of Concern to the District

I am disturbed that our Superintendent may not be hearing parents. I read an article today that she has not heard parents expressing concern about where their children will be attending school next year. Are you serious! What have all the parents at board meetings been saying these past few months? Is this a result of selective hearing? Remember the last meeting when she answered "NO" to the question presented about whether she had been formally asked about putting a measure on the ballot again? What happened to the stack of signatures on petitions from the community, that was given to the Board at the December meeting, stating they wanted the District to put another measure on the ballot? Did they use it as scratch paper? What more do you expect parents to do? Are there actual "formal request forms" the District has available that the community doesn't know about? Are phone calls, letters, emails, petitions, protests and even a website not enough to be considered a "formal request"?

According to the Bylaws of the Board, "The Governing Board has been elected by the community to provide leadership and citizen oversight of the district. The Board shall ensure that the district is responsive to the values, beliefs, and priorities of the community." this includes "Setting a direction for the district through a process that involves the community, parent/guardians, students, and staff and is focused on student learning and achievement." Maybe the Board should go back and look at what some of their responsiblities are by taking this job. Allowing the community to speak and actually listening to what they have to say are obviously two different things. Too bad they aren't listening and actually representing our "values, beliefs and priorities of the community".

Kim Franzini

By the way, please accept this as my formal notification as a parent that I am very concerned about where my children will be attending school next year.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

What about a parcel tax?

• Needs 2/3rds vote for passage
• In 2008, June 3rd and November 4th
are the election dates
• Board must approve a resolution to
place item on ballot 88 days before the
– March 7th or August 8th
• Board would have to act at either its
February or July meeting

This information was supplied by the Superintendent on page 45 of the School Closure Report dated December 11, 2007

Monday, January 21, 2008

Ask Senator Boxer to help with ADA

I am pleased to inform you that a member of my staff will be holding office hours on Thursday, January 24th from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon in the Office of Mayor Pam Torliatt at the Petaluma City Manager's Office, located at 11 English Street in Petaluma. As your Senator, I can help you in contacting and working with federal government agencies. The office hours allow my staff the opportunity to consult with constituents who are seeking assistance with matters involving the Veterans Administration, Social Security Administration, or any other federal agency. Anyone who is seeking casework assistance is encouraged to visit the Petaluma City Manager's Office. Providing government services to my constituents is one of my most important duties as a United States Senator. I look forward to the opportunity to learn more about issues of importance to you and your community and resolve any problems that you may have with a federal agency.
Barbara Boxer United States Senator

If anyone is interested, this looks like a great opportunity to talk to her about increasing ADA (even though there are current budget cuts it can't hurt to start the process). Please post if anyone is interested in coming up with some talking points.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

If Only Our District Had the Lifeskill of Perseverance

In February, 2006, Federal Way Schools put a $245 million bond on the ballot. Although it received a nearly 54% “yes” vote, school funding measures must pass by 60% of the vote in Washington State. Following the election, the school district had an independent survey conducted about the district’s performance and building issues. The majority of the respondents gave the district high marks, but said that the bond measure asked for too much at once.

The district went back to the drawing board and put together a reduced bond measure for the schools most critically in need of rebuilding. That measure was on the ballot in November 2006, and failed to achieve the 60% supermajority by fewer than 100 votes. The measure was again presented to the voters in May, 2007, and passed with nearly 65% voter approval.

On May 15, 2007, voters approved a $149 million construction bond measure for Federal Way Public Schools. By 2013 – in just six short years – the district plans to get a lot of work done on schools and other facilities.

This $149 million bond has NOT increased property owners' tax rate. Because other debt is being paid off as these construction projects are begun, the district will be able to maintain the current average tax rate.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Trustees Terms Expire Soon

Does anyone know what their official job descriptions are?

The Trustees terms expire in November
Leffler Brown 2010
Ed Gilardi 2008
Eric Kirchmann 2010
Karyn Pulley 2008
George Steffensen 2010

Monday, January 14, 2008

Letter of Support from Senator Migden

California State Senate
Senator Carole Migden
Third Senate District Democratic Caucus Chair
Labor & Industrial Relations Chair

December 11, 2007

Trustee Leffler Brown
Trustee Ed Gilardi
Trustee Eric Kirchman
Trustee Karyn Pulley
Trustee George Steffensen

Dear Cotati-Rohnart Park School District Trustees:

I have strongly supported public education and worked for increased state funding of our schools, many educational programs and backfilling school district budgets adversely affected by charter schools.

Neighborhood schools are the backbone of our communities, providing support and opportunity for youth close to home. Rohnert Park, as one of the first planned communities, designed each of its neighborhoods around a park and a school. The city plan provides cohesion and stability for the city's families and makes it a desirable place to live.

I am aware of the current enrollment and budget situations faced by the Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified School District.

Both Gold Ridge and La Fiesta Elementary Schools are important pieces of the fabric that make up their respective neighborhoods and have served Rohnert Park and its children for generations.

I urge you to take another look at Gold Ridge and La Fiesta, before a final decision is made on January 15th.


Carole Migden
Senator, 3rd District

Tell the Board Not to Close Our Schools

The Board has been asked to consider closing two schools within the Cotati-Rohnert Park District. Unfortunately, board members have not been given the correct facts to make its decision. We are asking that the board members take the time to review the information carefully and the best way is to table the matter for one year.

The Board has been told that schools must be closed because although there will be sufficient funds to run the schools, the district will not be able to meet its reserve requirements. You should note that the “FCMAT projection indicates that the district will be able to meet the 3% minimum required reserve level in the current and projection years.” The financial shortfall for funding the reserve is not expected until 2009-10. Therefore, there is just a minimal financial impact fueling the request to close schools.

In addition, money held in Fund 17 may be used to help meet the required reserve level if the funds have not already been committed elsewhere. The district’s 2006-07 unaudited actuals reflect a balance of $1,386,588 in Fund 17, Special Reserve for Other Than Capital Outlay.

Based on the FCMAT Management Review dated October 22, 2007 , the facts we have presented the board, the letters of support, the signed petitions, and the positive commitment from involved parents, it is apparent there is a strong desire to save our schools. The District should do its due diligence and take into account the information we have gathered so far, and to continue questioning the data which was incorrectly provided to it. There is sufficient money to keep La Fiesta and Gold Ridge Elementary schools open one more school year, and the many supporters have volunteered to help raise more funds to keep them open for many years in the future.