Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I thought everyone who spoke at last night's district meeting did a great job. I've always been proud to be a Gold Ridge parent, and I'm overwhelmed by the outpouring of support that so many parents and staff have displayed. I'm getting teary-eyed just typing this, just as I did last night when each of you spoke (especially when Connie Holbrook's name was called, and almost every GR teacher and Karen Gomez came to the podium). I got a little choked up while speaking myself -- one reason I had to keep my speech very brief. Thank you to all of you for the hours and hours and days and days you've devoted to the Save Gold Ridge campaign. You're all using your LIFE SKILL of PERSEVERANCE! What great examples you are to your children (not to mention the GR community and beyond). I think we have a chance, especially in light of some of the questions the board members posed at the end of the meeting. I hope that's not too naive. Keep up the good fight!

Claire Mesagno


Anonymous said...

I second it. It was a great job by all the parents, staff and community. Thank you all!

Anonymous said...

I second that and Pass the tissue! I love you guys!