Monday, January 14, 2008

Letter of Support from Senator Migden

California State Senate
Senator Carole Migden
Third Senate District Democratic Caucus Chair
Labor & Industrial Relations Chair

December 11, 2007

Trustee Leffler Brown
Trustee Ed Gilardi
Trustee Eric Kirchman
Trustee Karyn Pulley
Trustee George Steffensen

Dear Cotati-Rohnart Park School District Trustees:

I have strongly supported public education and worked for increased state funding of our schools, many educational programs and backfilling school district budgets adversely affected by charter schools.

Neighborhood schools are the backbone of our communities, providing support and opportunity for youth close to home. Rohnert Park, as one of the first planned communities, designed each of its neighborhoods around a park and a school. The city plan provides cohesion and stability for the city's families and makes it a desirable place to live.

I am aware of the current enrollment and budget situations faced by the Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified School District.

Both Gold Ridge and La Fiesta Elementary Schools are important pieces of the fabric that make up their respective neighborhoods and have served Rohnert Park and its children for generations.

I urge you to take another look at Gold Ridge and La Fiesta, before a final decision is made on January 15th.


Carole Migden
Senator, 3rd District

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