Sunday, February 3, 2008

Board letter

February 1, 2008

To the Cotati-Rohnert Park Board of Education:

As a parent of a child whose school is closing, it baffles me that the CRPUSD can come off as so uncompassionate about the situation. While I know Dr. Vrankovich is in a difficult situation, I’m not convinced that excuses her behavior, or that of the Board.
To spell it out, it felt like last month’s Board meeting was a travesty—an orchestrated play with questions and responses that were produced to remind the audience that no, our efforts were not enough. I know I’m naïve about how things work, but I know enough to say that the Board AND District need to be more responsible in answering questions. If we knew more about why and how your decisions are made, then we understand how you came about them. Will we agree with all of them? No. CAN you answer all of our questions forthright? Maybe not, and it could just be said that you’re unable to answer it. BUT, if you can include us in your decision-making process more, at least we might be able to get past some of our anger in why our suggestions aren’t being considered. I don’t want to be a ranting parent. I know that all of you have spent a lot of your time on this. But as a parent in your community that you serve, I’m asking for a little more display of compassion and explanations.
For example, when Dr. Vrankovich was asked if the District was approached in passing a new measure on the ballot, she said “Not that I’m aware of.” Now, many speakers at previous meetings had brought up trying a new measure, and petitions were signed and presented to the board. Why was this discounted? How was it not enough to be acknowledged? Wade Roach’s reply to the questions regarding accepting donations was also not sufficient. If we can ask for and accept donations for field trips, why can’t we ask for donations for the schools? It’s understood that the District can’t budget on promises, and has to provide a free education, but how does it hurt to ask? How is it that other districts are able to do this? Please answer these questions for us. We’re not stupid, we’re just trying to help. Is getting direction from the Board against some policy or bylaw that we’re unaware of? If so, can’t you just say that? The Board meetings are so unsatisfying to parents, because explanations aren’t provided. Why not just diffuse some of the resentment and explain more? Please, address this at the next board meeting. A little goes a long way.
Secondly, the comment in the Voice about parents “not really” seeming concerned about where their kids are going to be placed is just ridiculous. That’s all we talk about—with other parents, the school staff, at the gym, with our Principal, at the grocery store. So, we are ALL very concerned. We’d like to follow our teachers, and move as a group to another school. Wouldn’t this be better for both our teachers and students? If the District could accommodate this within their legal limitations, it would be easier on both the teachers and the kids. Please consider this when laying out the groundwork for how things will be done. It makes a huge difference to your community when you show that you are trying to do something in the interest of our kids.
We want to attempt to pass another measure to help our schools on the June or November ballot. Please address this.

Thanks----Kelly Thomas

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What bothered me the most about the Superintendent's answer to the question about the ballot measure was not only that she acted as though we had not made any attempts, but that she essentially said that since we hadn't actually started the process then our efforts meant nothing. I, as many involved parents are, am very aware that you could not start something like this without the board voting and approving it first. They essentially blamed the parents for their own failure to move forward with the idea. The board must approve this before the parents can do anything about it, how did the parents drop the ball?